Deskripsi Lengkap

No. Panggil : 0005-2023/ESK-KOM Aud r
Judul : The Representation of Perfectionism on Social Media: A Case of Social Dilemma Movie
Pengarang : Audie Revanza Satyabhaskara
Strata :
Pembimbing : Whisnu Triwibowo, S.sos, M.A., Ph.D
Fakultas : Fisip
Tahun : 2023
Open/Membership :
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0005-2023/ESK-KOM Aud r 0005-2023/ESK-KOM TERSEDIA
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This article describes the representation of perfectionism in the movie The Social Dilemma. Concepts, such as dramaturgy and hierarchy of needs, help to grasp the perfectionism that appeared in the movie. In addition, this paper depicts the correlation between perfectionism and mental health carried out by an individual on social media. The individual?s motivation to get appreciated by others on social media creates perfectionist behaviour, which eventually leads to mental health issues. However, this cannot be generalised, considering that the perfectionism phenomenon is only a representation of a movie.